The Deming Cycle, also known as PDCA cycle, Deming Wheel, Shewhart Cycle, or Continuous Improvement Spiral, is a model for continuous improvement of quality. It consists of a logical sequence of 4 repetitive steps for continuous improvement and learning: PLAN, DO, CHECK (STUDY), and ACT.
It originated in the 1920s with statistics expert Mr. Walter A. Shewhart, who introduced the concept of Plan, Do and See. Deming modified the cycle of Shewart towards: PLAN, DO, CHECK, and ACT. The Deming Cycle is related to Kaizen thinking and Just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing.
There is another version of this PDCA cycle is OPDCA. The added "O" stands for observation or as some versions say "Grasp the current condition." This emphasis on observation and current condition has currency with Lean manufacturing/Toyota Production System literature.
The concept of PDCA is based on the Scientific Method (which can be written as Hypothesis-Experiment-Evaluation-Do-Check), developed by Francis Bacon.
This PowerPoint also includes a set of templates you can use for your own business presentations.
This presentation offers a comprehensive overview of the Deming Cycle, breaking down each phase—Plan, Do, Check, Act—with detailed explanations and practical examples. The PPT also highlights the benefits of implementing the PDCA cycle across various corporate functions, such as vendor development, human resources, and new product development. Visual aids and templates are included to facilitate understanding and application.
The primer emphasizes continuous quality improvement, illustrating how each iteration of the cycle elevates organizational standards. It underscores the importance of data collection and analysis in the "Check" phase and the necessity of standardizing improvements in the "Act" phase. This resource is essential for executives aiming to drive efficiency and foster a culture of continuous improvement within their organizations.
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Source: Best Practices in Continuous Improvement, Lean Thinking, Shewhart Cycle, Deming Cycle, PDCA, Deming Wheel, Kaizen PowerPoint Slides: Deming Cycle (PDCA) Primer PowerPoint (PPT) Presentation, PPT Lab
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