Visual Management SQDCM Board   8-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTM)

Visual Management SQDCM Board (8-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTM)) Preview Image Visual Management SQDCM Board (8-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTM)) Preview Image Visual Management SQDCM Board (8-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTM)) Preview Image Visual Management SQDCM Board (8-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTM)) Preview Image Flevy is the marketplace for business best practices.
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Visual Management SQDCM Board (PowerPoint PPTM)

PowerPoint (PPTM) + PDF (PDF) 8 Slides


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  1. Visual Management Tool
  2. SQDCM Board


This product (Visual Management SQDCM Board) is a 8-slide PPT PowerPoint presentation (PPTM) with a supplemental PDF document, which you can download immediately upon purchase.

Interactive Powerpoint Template for SQDCM Board

This is a visual management tool for printing or digital display.

This Tool allows you to display your SQDCM performance on full screen since its in powerpoint format You can display the SQDCM board in slideshow mode and update it using the dedicated user form

This tool has a sheet with the five performance sections ( SQDCM Board) as well as one sheet for each section: Safety, Quality, Delivery, Cost and Motivation (or Moral if you prefer to change it)

You can use this interactive powerpoint for your daily meeting to discuss performance and left it displayed for an impactful visual management
You have to authorize the execution of macros to use the template
Template to use in slideshow mode
1-You may modify this document for your own purpose but not for resale
2-If you're a consultant (freelance or a firm), you can use this document for your training, workshops or presentation, but you cannot resale it or give it for free to your clients

The template includes a user-friendly interface for updating daily performance metrics. Users can select the specific day, input performance data, and instantly see whether targets were achieved. This feature ensures real-time tracking and immediate feedback, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Designed for flexibility, each section of the board—Safety, Quality, Delivery, Cost, and Motivation—allows for customized objectives and daily targets. This adaptability makes it suitable for various operational contexts, providing a comprehensive overview of key performance indicators at a glance.

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Source: Best Practices in 5S PowerPoint Slides: Visual Management SQDCM Board PowerPoint (PPTM) Presentation, Amine


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Author: Amine
Additional documents from author: 4

Amine is an Operational excellence consultant for Industry and Services sectors.
He is an IASSC Certified Black Belt?
He combines 12 years' experience and has both industry and consulting experience.
Have led several types of projects with tangible results and impact in the company culture.

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