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KPI Library
Navigate your organization to excellence with 17,064 KPIs at your fingertips.

Why use the KPI Library?

Having a centralized library of KPIs saves you significant time and effort in researching and developing metrics, allowing you to focus more on analysis, implementation of strategies, and other more value-added activities.

This vast range of KPIs across various industries and functions offers the flexibility to tailor Performance Management and Measurement to the unique aspects of your organization, ensuring more precise monitoring and management.

Each KPI in the KPI Library includes 12 attributes:

  • KPI definition
  • Potential business insights [?]
  • Measurement approach/process [?]
  • Standard formula [?]
  • Trend analysis [?]
  • Diagnostic questions [?]
  • Actionable tips [?]
  • Visualization suggestions [?]
  • Risk warnings [?]
  • Tools & technologies [?]
  • Integration points [?]
  • Change impact [?]
It is designed to enhance Strategic Decision Making and Performance Management for executives and business leaders. Our KPI Library serves as a resource for identifying, understanding, and maintaining relevant competitive performance metrics.

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We have 45 KPIs on IT Governance and Compliance in our database. KPIs are essential tools in IT Governance and Compliance as they provide measurable values that reflect the performance and effectiveness of IT-related activities. They help organizations align their IT infrastructure and operations with business objectives by tracking progress towards predefined goals.

KPIs enable IT leaders to make informed decisions by identifying areas of compliance that meet industry standards and regulatory requirements, ensuring that IT practices are in line with legal obligations and best practices. By continuously monitoring these performance indicators, organizations can proactively address issues, mitigate risks, and drive continuous improvement in IT service delivery. Ultimately, KPIs facilitate transparency and accountability within IT departments, fostering trust among stakeholders and helping to ensure that IT investments contribute positively to the overall success of the organization.

  Navigate your organization to excellence with 17,064 KPIs at your fingertips.
KPI Definition Business Insights [?] Measurement Approach Standard Formula
Access Control Violations

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The number of times unauthorized access attempts were made, indicating the effectiveness of access control systems. Identifies weaknesses in access controls and user compliance with security policies, indicating potential security risks. Counts unauthorized access attempts, violations of access policies, and bypasses of security mechanisms. Number of Access Control Violations / Total Number of Access Attempts
Business Continuity Plan Testing Frequency

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The frequency at which business continuity plans are tested for effectiveness. Reveals the organization's preparedness for business disruptions and resilience in maintaining operations. Measures the number of times business continuity plans are tested within a given period. Number of Business Continuity Plan Tests / Time Period (e.g., annually)
Change Management Success Rate

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The success rate of changes made in the IT environment, reflecting the effectiveness of change management processes. Assesses the effectiveness of change management processes and the ability to adapt to new changes without affecting service quality. Calculates the percentage of changes implemented successfully without causing service disruptions or incidents. (Number of Successful Changes / Total Number of Changes) * 100
KPI Library

Navigate your organization to excellence with 17,064 KPIs at your fingertips.

Subscribe to the KPI Library


  • 45 KPIs under IT Governance and Compliance
  • 17,064 total KPIs (and growing)
  • 357 total KPI groups
  • 104 industry-specific KPI groups
  • 12 attributes per KPI
  • Full access (no viewing limits or restrictions)

FlevyPro and Stream subscribers also receive access to the KPI Library. You can login to Flevy here.

Cloud Service Provider Compliance Assessments

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The number of compliance assessments conducted on cloud service providers. Evaluates the level of compliance of external cloud services with organizational and regulatory standards. Counts the number of compliance assessments performed on cloud service providers. Number of Compliance Assessments on Cloud Service Providers
Compliance Score

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The percentage of compliance requirements met by the organization, including legal and regulatory obligations, internal policies, and industry standards. Provides an overall view of the organization's compliance status, highlighting areas needing improvement. Aggregates various compliance metrics such as audit results, policy adherence, and regulatory requirements. Sum of Compliance Points Earned / Total Compliance Points Available
Compliance-Related Employee Feedback

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A measure of employee feedback related to the effectiveness and clarity of compliance-related communications and training. Reveals employee understanding and sentiments about compliance, and identifies areas for communication and training improvement. Collects quantitative and qualitative feedback from employees regarding compliance policies and procedures. Number of Compliance-Related Feedback Items Collected

Types of IT Governance and Compliance KPIs

KPIs for managing IT Governance and Compliance can be categorized into various KPI types.

Compliance KPIs

Compliance KPIs measure how well an organization adheres to regulatory requirements and internal policies. These KPIs are essential for mitigating risks and avoiding legal penalties. When selecting these KPIs, ensure they are aligned with the most critical regulations affecting your industry. Examples include the number of compliance breaches and the time taken to resolve compliance issues.

Risk Management KPIs

Risk Management KPIs focus on identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks within the IT environment. These KPIs help in understanding the organization's risk exposure and the effectiveness of risk mitigation strategies. Select KPIs that provide a comprehensive view of both internal and external risks. Examples include the number of identified risks and the percentage of mitigated risks.

Security KPIs

Security KPIs measure the effectiveness of an organization's cybersecurity measures. These KPIs are crucial for protecting sensitive data and maintaining the integrity of IT systems. Choose KPIs that cover various aspects of security, from threat detection to incident response. Examples include the number of security incidents and the average time to detect a breach.

Performance KPIs

Performance KPIs evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of IT governance processes. These KPIs help in identifying areas for improvement and ensuring that IT resources are utilized optimally. Focus on KPIs that reflect both operational efficiency and strategic alignment. Examples include system uptime and the average time to resolve IT issues.

Audit KPIs

Audit KPIs assess the thoroughness and effectiveness of internal and external IT audits. These KPIs are vital for ensuring that IT governance frameworks are robust and compliant. Select KPIs that provide insights into audit frequency, scope, and findings. Examples include the number of audit findings and the time taken to implement audit recommendations.

Strategic Alignment KPIs

Strategic Alignment KPIs measure how well IT initiatives align with the organization's overall strategic objectives. These KPIs are critical for ensuring that IT investments deliver value. Choose KPIs that reflect the contribution of IT to business goals. Examples include the percentage of IT projects aligned with strategic objectives and the ROI of IT investments.

Acquiring and Analyzing IT Governance and Compliance KPI Data

Organizations typically rely on a mix of internal and external sources to gather data for IT Governance and Compliance KPIs. Internal sources include system logs, compliance reports, and audit findings, which provide a wealth of information on various aspects of IT governance. External sources, such as regulatory guidelines and industry benchmarks, offer valuable context and help in setting realistic KPI targets. According to Gartner, 60% of organizations use a combination of internal and external data to inform their IT governance strategies.

Once data is acquired, the next step is analysis. Data analytics tools and platforms, such as Splunk and Tableau, are commonly used to process and visualize KPI data. These tools help in identifying trends, anomalies, and areas requiring attention. For example, a sudden spike in security incidents could indicate a vulnerability that needs immediate mitigation. McKinsey reports that organizations leveraging advanced analytics for IT governance see a 20% improvement in risk management effectiveness.

Regular review and refinement of KPIs are crucial for maintaining their relevance and effectiveness. This involves periodic assessments to ensure that the KPIs continue to align with evolving regulatory requirements and organizational objectives. Additionally, stakeholder feedback is invaluable for fine-tuning KPIs. Engaging with compliance officers, IT managers, and other key stakeholders helps in identifying gaps and areas for improvement. According to Deloitte, organizations that actively involve stakeholders in KPI management are 30% more likely to achieve their compliance goals.

Finally, it's essential to integrate KPI management into the broader IT governance framework. This ensures that KPIs are not just standalone metrics but are part of a cohesive strategy aimed at enhancing overall IT governance and compliance. Regular reporting and dashboarding facilitate transparency and accountability, enabling executives to make informed decisions. Forrester highlights that organizations with integrated KPI management frameworks are 25% more effective in achieving their IT governance objectives.

KPI Library

Navigate your organization to excellence with 17,064 KPIs at your fingertips.

Subscribe to the KPI Library


  • 45 KPIs under IT Governance and Compliance
  • 17,064 total KPIs (and growing)
  • 357 total KPI groups
  • 104 industry-specific KPI groups
  • 12 attributes per KPI
  • Full access (no viewing limits or restrictions)

FlevyPro and Stream subscribers also receive access to the KPI Library. You can login to Flevy here.

FAQs on IT Governance and Compliance KPIs

What are the most important KPIs for IT governance?

The most important KPIs for IT governance include compliance breaches, risk mitigation rates, security incidents, system uptime, audit findings, and strategic alignment metrics. These KPIs provide a comprehensive view of how well IT governance frameworks are functioning.

How often should IT governance KPIs be reviewed?

IT governance KPIs should be reviewed on a quarterly basis to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with organizational objectives. However, more frequent reviews may be necessary in dynamic regulatory environments.

What tools are commonly used for tracking IT governance KPIs?

Common tools for tracking IT governance KPIs include data analytics platforms like Splunk and Tableau, as well as specialized governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) software such as RSA Archer and MetricStream.

How can organizations ensure the accuracy of their IT governance KPIs?

Organizations can ensure the accuracy of their IT governance KPIs by using reliable data sources, implementing robust data validation processes, and regularly auditing the data collection methods. Engaging third-party auditors can also add an extra layer of assurance.

What role do stakeholders play in IT governance KPI management?

Stakeholders play a crucial role in IT governance KPI management by providing insights, feedback, and validation. Engaging stakeholders such as compliance officers, IT managers, and executives ensures that the KPIs are comprehensive and aligned with organizational goals.

How can organizations align IT governance KPIs with strategic objectives?

Organizations can align IT governance KPIs with strategic objectives by ensuring that the KPIs reflect key business goals and priorities. Regularly reviewing and updating KPIs to match evolving strategic objectives is also essential.

What are the challenges in implementing IT governance KPIs?

Challenges in implementing IT governance KPIs include data quality issues, lack of stakeholder engagement, and misalignment with organizational objectives. Overcoming these challenges requires a robust data governance framework and active stakeholder participation.

How can advanced analytics improve IT governance KPI management?

Advanced analytics can improve IT governance KPI management by providing deeper insights, identifying trends, and enabling predictive analysis. Tools like machine learning and AI can also help in automating data collection and analysis, making the process more efficient.

KPI Library

Navigate your organization to excellence with 17,064 KPIs at your fingertips.

Subscribe to the KPI Library


  • 45 KPIs under IT Governance and Compliance
  • 17,064 total KPIs (and growing)
  • 357 total KPI groups
  • 104 industry-specific KPI groups
  • 12 attributes per KPI
  • Full access (no viewing limits or restrictions)

FlevyPro and Stream subscribers also receive access to the KPI Library. You can login to Flevy here.

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This is a set of 4 detailed whitepapers on KPI master. These guides delve into over 250+ essential KPIs that drive organizational success in Strategy, Human Resources, Innovation, and Supply Chain. Each whitepaper also includes specific case studies and success stories to add in KPI understanding and implementation.