Many people plateau in their careers because they do not look at what drives them to succeed. They focus on the day to day reasons they are in a career rather than the emotional reasons. As a result, they job hop, are passed over for promotions, and are dissatisfied in their professional life.
By asking yourself two simple questions, you will see what drives your career satisfaction and some simple steps to take to maximize that satisfaction. Take this exercise seriously and you will either get out of your current career rut or find the types of careers that will make your entire life better.
This presentation will walk you through the questions and the steps needed to succeed in a simple and fast way.
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Source: Best Practices in Career Management PDF: Two Questions to Jumpstart Your Career PDF (PDF) Document, Halohealth
Career Management Soft Skills Interviewing Leadership Goal Setting Stress Management Self Improvement Purpose Motivation Networking Sales Human Resources Hiring
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