A business capability model for a Publishing company. To be used as a core document for Enterprise Architects and EA work. Also very valuable to Business Architects and Business Architecture projects/programmes.
This comprehensive model delineates the core capabilities required to manage content, supply chains, and digital services effectively. It provides a structured approach to publishing, from acquiring and authoring content to managing intellectual property rights and digital assets. The model also covers the entire lifecycle of product development, including market opportunity identification, product concept design, and customer research.
The PDF is an invaluable asset for those looking to streamline their publishing operations. It offers detailed insights into managing customer relationships, stimulating demand through brand identity management, and conducting sales campaigns. This capability model ensures that all facets of a publishing company’s operations are covered, from production to customer support.
Ideal for C-level executives and business architects, this model serves as a strategic tool to align business processes with organizational goals. It provides a clear roadmap for managing internal communications, financial management, and business change, ensuring that your publishing company remains agile and competitive in a rapidly evolving market.
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Source: Best Practices in Business Capability Model PDF: Publishing Company Business Capability Model PDF (PDF) Document, R Bradley Consulting
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