Flevy Executive Learning
Accelerate your career growth to the C-suite

Program: Organizational Excellence Defined
Our Organizational Excellence Defined program is comprised of 3 core modules:
Module 1: Established Global Excellence Models
Module 2: Organizational Excellence Framework (OEF) Toolkit
Module 3: Organizational Excellence Self-Assessment

Enrollment is currently open.
There are 9 spots left at this price:
$799   $449

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About Flevy Executive Learning

Flevy Executive Learning is a series of online management education programs. We help leaders of tomorrow—i.e. those on track to the C-suite in the next 1-5 years—accelerate their career growth to become successful business executives. The focus of each program is on execution, implementation, and application—not on theory. All programs are led by former executives who have "done it" before. Each program is comprised of both Learning & Application (L&A) lectures and Q&A discussion sessions; and will draw extensively from the instructor's real-world experience as a business executive.

About Our Program: Organizational Excellence Defined

Organizational Excellence is one of the best kept secrets in the world. Did you know global research tells us that only 10% to 20% of the working population is familiar with the topic? This program aims to change this sorry statistic and share the most important facts. You will learn about a tried and true formula for success, as well as a turnkey toolkit that is applicable to any size and type of organization. You will have gain a hands-on opportunity to self-assess the current state of Excellence in your organization and benchmark with others. The 3 modules are as defined below:

Module 1: Did you know there is a tried and true formula for success that is applicable to any size and type of organization?

Over 25 years of global research has validated the positive relationship between implementing an excellence model, developing a culture of excellence and achieving exceptional results. Learn about the research findings and some of the best-in-class organizations across sectors that have demonstrated it.

Module 2: Learn about a state-of-the-art turnkey toolkit that can be used by professionals and organizations to improve organizational performance!

Based on leading excellence models, methodology of seasoned management consultants and practical experience with organizations across sectors, the Organizational Excellence Framework toolkit makes the excellence journey more simple, straightforward, time efficient and cost effective. Learn about the: publication, scenario game, workshops, automated assessment and reporting tool and train-the-trainer program.

Module 3: Discover how one-hour of your time can be used to gauge the current state of excellence in your organization and generate an improvement plan to address gaps!

How does your organization measure up? Self-assess the extent to which your organization has a culture committed to excellence and has deployed best management practices. And then compare your results to other organizations around the globe and see how you measure up.

About Our Instructor: Dawn Ringrose


Dawn Ringrose is Principal of Organizational Excellence Specialists and has consulted to management in areas that positively contribute to organizational performance since 1984. She has worked across the public, private, and non-profit sectors with small, medium, and large organizations.

Recognized by her peers with the Fellow Certified Management Consultant designation, Dawn has also been a representative on the Canadian committee that contributed to the ISO 20700 standard for management consulting. Today, she serves on the Executive Team of the Organizational Excellence Technical Committee (OETC) QMD ASQ and Board of the ISCM Foundation.

Dawn authored the Organizational Excellence Framework (OEF) in 2010 and has been training professionals in over 65+ countries on OEF.

Read more about our instructor here.

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This is a 7-week program, beginning next Wednesday, February 26. There are 7 sessions in total, as tabulated below.

Each lecture will be approximately 30 minutes and pre-recorded. These lectures and all supporting materials (e.g. presentations, templates, whitepapers) will be made available for students through their Flevy accounts on the morning of the session day. Students also have an opportunity to submit questions for the instructor to answer. The Q&A session will be 30-60 minutes (depending on the questions asked) and live. We will schedule one or more Q&A sessions to accommodate all the students in the program.


  • Module 1

    • February 26: Learning & Application (L&A) Session 1
    • March 5: L&A Session 2

  • Module 2

    • March 12: L&A Session 3
    • March 19: L&A Session 4

  • Module 3

    • March 26: L&A Session 5
    • April 2: L&A Session 6

  • All Modules

    • April 9: Q&A Session

Students can also schedule private 45-min Executive Coaching / Strategic Advisory Support session with the instructor, Dawn Ringrose, at $149 per session.



  • Copies of all presentations and associated tools. All lecture presentations will be made downloadable in digital format, so you can print and save them for reference.
  • Recordings of all sessions. From your Flevy account, you can view all sessions and participate in the online Q&A.
  • Networking opportunity. You will be invited to our private LinkedIn Group for students and alumni of the Flevy Executive Learning.
  • Certificate of completion. A certificate of completion, signed by the instructor, will be provided at the end of the program. To receive this certificate, the instructor will first perform an assessment that you've successfully learned the materials taught in this program. Please note Flevy is not an accredited institution.

Enroll in Organizational Excellence Defined Now!

until this program begins.
There are only 9 spots left at $449.
Enroll Now!

Questions about this program? Email us at support@flevy.com.
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