About Flevy Executive Learning
Flevy Executive Learning is a series of online management education programs. We help leaders of tomorrow—i.e. those on track to the C-suite in the next 1-5 years—accelerate their career growth to become successful business executives. The focus of each program is on execution, implementation, and application—not on theory. All programs are led by former executives who have "done it" before. Each program is comprised of both Learning & Application (L&A) lectures and Q&A discussion sessions; and will draw extensively from the instructor's real-world experience as a business executive.
About Our Program: The Customer Experience Rocket
This program will introduce you to the Customer Experience Rocket—an innovative Customer Experience (CX) framework that you can use to create a CX strategy and improvement program for your organization that delivers a step change in customer and business outcomes.
This 3-module program will show you how to design great customer experiences; and how the capabilities, culture, and leadership of your organization underpins successful delivery of these experiences. You will come away from this course with a deep understanding of how to develop and drive a CX improvement program in your organization with an underlying CX strategy that really works. It will help you take your customers to the stars!
Module 1: Introducing the CX Rocket Framework, and why understanding your customers is critical to success.
Learn about the CX Rocket and its components, experience design, business capability and organizational culture. Gain a clear understanding of why knowing your customers is the first critical step in developing a great CX strategy and improvement program.
Module 2: Why experience design and organizational capability need to go hand in hand.
Learn how to designing great customer experiences which are underpinned by organizational capabilities that really deliver. By the end of this module you will understand why design and capability need to go hand in hand to deliver great customer and business outcomes.
Module 3: How your organization culture and leadership underpins everything.
This module will show you how to create a customer-centric culture in your organization. You will also learn why this type of culture and the leadership it involves is critical to successfully implementing a CX Strategy & Improvement program.
Shane Goldberg is the Principal and Founder of CustCore Consulting, an Australia-based boutique consultancy specializing in helping its clients to drive significant improvements in customer experience and business outcomes.
Shane has over 20 years of experience and is an expert in the development of Customer Experience (CX) Strategies, translating these strategies into practice through Human-Centered Design (HCD) and Customer Insight (CI) practice, and in building customer-centric cultures.
Shane's clients have included organizations and businesses from multiple industries, including Bayside City Council, Belong, Domain Group, BUPA, Telstra SNP, Lux Group, AMCAP, Abbott Medical and a range of other companies.
First, please login to your Flevy account below or register an account.
This is a 7-week program, beginning next Wednesday, April 2. There are 7 sessions in total, as tabulated below.
Each lecture will be approximately 30 minutes and pre-recorded. These lectures and all supporting materials (e.g. presentations, templates, whitepapers) will be made available for students through their Flevy accounts on the morning of the session day. Students also have an opportunity to submit questions for the instructor to answer. The Q&A session will be 30-60 minutes (depending on the questions asked) and live. We will schedule one or more Q&A sessions to accommodate all the students in the program.
Students can also schedule private 45-min Executive Coaching / Strategic Advisory Support session with the instructor, Shane Goldberg, at $149 per session. |
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Download our FREE Strategy & Transformation Framework Templates
Download our free compilation of 50+ Strategy & Transformation slides and templates. Frameworks include McKinsey 7-S Strategy Model, Balanced Scorecard, Disruptive Innovation, BCG Experience Curve, and many more. |