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KPI Library
Navigate your organization to excellence with 17,064 KPIs at your fingertips.

Why use the KPI Library?

Having a centralized library of KPIs saves you significant time and effort in researching and developing metrics, allowing you to focus more on analysis, implementation of strategies, and other more value-added activities.

This vast range of KPIs across various industries and functions offers the flexibility to tailor Performance Management and Measurement to the unique aspects of your organization, ensuring more precise monitoring and management.

Each KPI in the KPI Library includes 12 attributes:

  • KPI definition
  • Potential business insights [?]
  • Measurement approach/process [?]
  • Standard formula [?]
  • Trend analysis [?]
  • Diagnostic questions [?]
  • Actionable tips [?]
  • Visualization suggestions [?]
  • Risk warnings [?]
  • Tools & technologies [?]
  • Integration points [?]
  • Change impact [?]
It is designed to enhance Strategic Decision Making and Performance Management for executives and business leaders. Our KPI Library serves as a resource for identifying, understanding, and maintaining relevant competitive performance metrics.

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We have 55 KPIs on ISO 38500 in our database. KPIs in implementing ISO 38500 ensure that IT governance aligns with business objectives. They measure IT investment returns, risk management, and compliance, ensuring responsible and effective use of IT resources.

These KPIs offer insights into the alignment of IT strategy with business strategy, the effectiveness of IT resource allocation, and the value delivered by IT investments. They also play a critical role in assessing the maturity of IT governance practices and guiding continual improvement in IT governance. Effective use of KPIs under ISO 38500 allows organizations to maximize the benefits of IT, while ensuring transparency, accountability, and alignment with business needs.

  Navigate your organization to excellence with 17,064 KPIs at your fingertips.
KPI Definition Business Insights [?] Measurement Approach Standard Formula
Agile Project Success Rate

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The success rate of projects using agile methodologies, indicating the effectiveness of agile practices in the IT domain. Reveals the effectiveness of the agile methodology in delivering projects successfully and may indicate the adaptability and responsiveness of project teams. Considers the percentage of agile projects that meet their defined criteria for success, such as scope, time, and budget. (Number of Successful Agile Projects / Total Number of Agile Projects) * 100
Audit Findings Resolution Rate

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The rate at which audit findings related to IT governance are resolved, indicating the ability to address compliance issues. Provides insight into the organization's ability to effectively respond to and rectify issues identified in audits, indicating the robustness of internal controls. Measures the percentage of audit findings that have been resolved or addressed within a specified timeframe. (Number of Resolved Audit Findings / Total Number of Audit Findings) * 100
Board IT Governance Awareness

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The percentage of board members who have completed IT governance training, reflecting the board's understanding and commitment to IT governance in line with ISO 38500. Highlights the board’s commitment and capability to oversee IT governance, which can influence strategic decisions and risk management. Assesses the level of IT governance understanding and engagement among board members, often through surveys or assessments. (Sum of IT Governance Awareness Scores / Total Number of Board Members) / Maximum Possible Score
KPI Library

Navigate your organization to excellence with 17,064 KPIs at your fingertips.

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  • 55 KPIs under ISO 38500
  • 17,064 total KPIs (and growing)
  • 357 total KPI groups
  • 104 industry-specific KPI groups
  • 12 attributes per KPI
  • Full access (no viewing limits or restrictions)

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Business Continuity Preparedness

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The readiness of the organization to continue critical business operations during and after IT disruptions. Indicates the organization’s preparedness for unexpected disruptions, assessing the resilience of operations and systems. Considers the readiness of business continuity plans, including elements like recovery time objectives and recovery point objectives. (Sum of Preparedness Scores across all Plans / Total Number of Business Continuity Plans) * 100
Change Management Success Rate

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The percentage of changes to IT services that are implemented successfully without causing disruptions. Offers insights into the effectiveness of change management processes and can drive improvements in minimizing disruption. Measures the percentage of changes implemented successfully without causing incidents or rework. (Number of Successful Changes / Total Number of Changes) * 100
CIO Leadership Effectiveness

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The effectiveness of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) in leading the IT function and contributing to executive decision-making. Provides insights into the CIO’s influence on IT strategy, execution, and alignment with business goals. Evaluates the performance of the CIO typically through 360-degree feedback or specific leadership KPIs. Sum of CIO Leadership Scores / Total Number of Respondents

Types of ISO 38500 KPIs

We can categorize ISO 38500 KPIs into the following types:

Strategic Alignment KPIs

Strategic Alignment KPIs measure how well IT initiatives align with the organization's overall strategic goals. These KPIs ensure that IT efforts are contributing to the broader objectives of the organization. When selecting these KPIs, ensure they reflect both short-term and long-term strategic goals to provide a balanced view. Examples include the percentage of IT projects aligned with business strategy and the ratio of strategic to non-strategic IT investments.

Performance and Efficiency KPIs

Performance and Efficiency KPIs assess the effectiveness and efficiency of IT operations. These KPIs help identify areas where IT can improve operational performance and reduce costs. Choose KPIs that provide actionable insights into resource utilization and process optimization. Examples include system uptime, mean time to repair (MTTR), and cost per transaction.

Risk Management KPIs

Risk Management KPIs evaluate the organization's ability to identify, assess, and mitigate IT-related risks. These KPIs are crucial for maintaining the integrity and security of IT systems. Select KPIs that cover a broad spectrum of risks, including cybersecurity, compliance, and operational risks. Examples include the number of security incidents, compliance audit scores, and risk mitigation effectiveness.

Resource Management KPIs

Resource Management KPIs measure how effectively IT resources, including personnel, budget, and technology, are utilized. These KPIs ensure that resources are allocated efficiently to maximize value. Focus on KPIs that provide insights into resource allocation, utilization, and productivity. Examples include IT budget variance, staff utilization rates, and hardware/software utilization rates.

Service Delivery KPIs

Service Delivery KPIs assess the quality and efficiency of IT services provided to internal and external stakeholders. These KPIs are essential for maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction and service reliability. Opt for KPIs that reflect service performance from the user's perspective. Examples include service level agreement (SLA) compliance, customer satisfaction scores, and average resolution time for service requests.

Innovation and Improvement KPIs

Innovation and Improvement KPIs track the organization's ability to innovate and continuously improve its IT capabilities. These KPIs are vital for staying competitive and adapting to changing market conditions. Select KPIs that measure both the output and impact of innovation initiatives. Examples include the number of new IT initiatives launched, time to market for new solutions, and the percentage of IT budget allocated to innovation.

Acquiring and Analyzing ISO 38500 KPI Data

Organizations typically rely on a mix of internal and external sources to gather data for ISO 38500 KPIs. Internal sources include IT service management tools, project management software, and financial systems, which provide detailed data on performance, resource utilization, and financial metrics. External sources such as industry benchmarks and market research reports from firms like Gartner and Forrester offer valuable context for comparing internal performance against industry standards.

Analyzing ISO 38500 KPIs involves several steps. First, data must be collected and validated to ensure accuracy and completeness. This often requires integrating data from multiple sources into a centralized dashboard or reporting tool. Advanced analytics techniques, including trend analysis and predictive modeling, can then be applied to identify patterns and forecast future performance. According to a McKinsey report, organizations that leverage advanced analytics see a 5-10% improvement in operational efficiency.

Visualization tools such as Power BI or Tableau are essential for presenting KPI data in a clear and actionable format. These tools enable IT executives to quickly grasp complex data sets and make informed decisions. Regularly reviewing and updating KPIs is also crucial, as it ensures they remain aligned with evolving strategic goals and market conditions. A Deloitte study found that organizations that frequently review their KPIs are 30% more likely to achieve their strategic objectives.

Finally, fostering a culture of continuous improvement is key to effective KPI management. This involves not only tracking and analyzing KPIs but also taking corrective actions based on the insights gained. Encouraging feedback from stakeholders and incorporating it into the KPI selection and review process can lead to more relevant and impactful metrics. By following these best practices, IT executives can ensure their ISO 38500 KPIs drive meaningful improvements in governance and performance.

KPI Library

Navigate your organization to excellence with 17,064 KPIs at your fingertips.

Subscribe to the KPI Library


  • 55 KPIs under ISO 38500
  • 17,064 total KPIs (and growing)
  • 357 total KPI groups
Download our FREE Complete Guides to KPIs

This is a set of 4 detailed whitepapers on KPI master. These guides delve into over 250+ essential KPIs that drive organizational success in Strategy, Human Resources, Innovation, and Supply Chain. Each whitepaper also includes specific case studies and success stories to add in KPI understanding and implementation.