Listed document(s): 612
**SB Consulting** is dedicated to empowering businesses to communicate their ideas with impact. This consulting firm specializes in teaching organizations how to create effective corporate and management presentations. With training from top-tier global consulting firms, including **McKinsey**, **BCG**, and **Porsche Consulting**, extensive expertise in presentation design and delivery is brought to each engagement. An innovative approach has enabled professionals and organizations to convey their vision clearly and achieve their goals. Drawing on a strong foundation in Business Development and Management, SB Consulting offers valuable insights and strategies to elevate presentations and drive business success.
Presentation references include:
- Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
- University of Toronto Rotman School of Management (MBA)
- Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
- WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Several corporate firms (revenue > $6bn)
- Numerous consulting projects
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